2004 / January 28

Day 7

After I uploaded yesterday's entry we visited Rustem's friends Esref and Sylvie for dinner. It was a very enjoyable and relaxing time. Great food, wine and even some discussion in English.

Rustem and I had decided last night that today would be an easy day. The original plan was to ride along the coast to the beach with Esref. Sylvie (and their 6 month old baby girl) would meet us there for a nice lunch. Unfortunately clouds and eventually rain changed our plans.

Rustem and I still went out for an easy spin along the coast. It was just a light mist when we left, turning to rain by the time we returned. We still had a little climbing to do, but it appeared as nothing in the shadow of yesterday's altitudes. Oddly enough, there was no wind which added to an already relaxing ride.

At this point in the trip, all our clothes and cycling gear is dirty so Rustem found a good laundry in town. We dropped off our clothes and they handle the rest. That is what I call doing laundry. I'm sure my wife Carla is shaking her head as she reads this.

The rain has stopped and the sun is visible as it sets. Tomorrow will be another climbing day crossing a few mountain passes to arrive at the sunken city. There should be some good pictures for you history buffs.


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