2004 / January 24

Day 3

The weather continues to get better. Today was another sunny day but without the killer winds. We decided to ride to Kekova (Sunken City).

CORRECTION: I spelled Kas incorrect previously. It is spelled with an "a" instead of an "o".

The day started with an 11 KM climb out of Kas. Not the best way to loosen up the legs, but it did get us warm in a hurry. We enjoyed some great descents which although they were long, only lasted 2-3 minutes. Most of the day we climbed.

When we arrived at Kekova we were starving and immediately went to the local grocery store for some Turkish powerbars (Cezerye). We also grabbed some newspapers to stuff in our jerseys for the return trip.

As we started back the sun was going down with at least 2 hours or riding ahead of us. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) most of the return trip was climbing. When the sun goes down it is better to be climbing than descending.

We made it back and put 4.5 hours in the saddle. Believe it or not, four hours of our ride were climbing. It was like riding the Appalachian Gap for 4 hours. Even though we ended the day with a final 11 KM descent into Kas, the descent only lasted 8 minutes. We had a ton of fun but were happy to get a warm shower and some dinner.


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