2003 / January 30

Day 11

There has been a few days delay for this final update. I guess we needed sort of a mourning period. Well we are back in the states dealing with everything that had been left unattended in our absence. But things would not be complete without a final chapter of our trip.

Although we were basically heading back to America, we had a few missions to accomplish before touching American soil. We got up early Thursday morning and said goodbye to Kizkalesi.....(a moment of silence). Our first order of business was Adana kabobs. All there is to say about this unbelievable meal is "you don't know!!!!". After prying ourselves from the kabob place we took to the town for a last taste of Turkish culture and to buy some gifts to bring home. I day in Turkey would not be complete without stopping for some desserts and çay. We did have to search high and low for a cappuccino. A business opportunity if anyone is interested.

We did eventual find that coffee we all desired when we visited Rustem's uncle and family. We had a blast hanging out and talking. You see, our flight was not until 5am and we were determined to stay up all night for every last breath. We even went out for a late night (1am) snack for some super special intestine treats. You'll have to ask Rustem for the name. Most of us gave it a try and liked it, but a few among us (who will remain nameless), did not have the stomach for it.

For the most part we stayed up all night and hit the airport at 5am to begin the trek back home. There was a lot of air traffic over Europe which delayed our flight out of Istanbul for an hour. At first we were told that it would cost us a night in London (bummer), but later it turned out that it would only be a 6 hour delay for the next connecting flight. Enough time to grab some food and good beer before re boarding for Boston.

What a trip! For those of us who went last year, this year was even better. We hope you have enjoyed seeing a few bits from our adventures and will join us (without excuses) next year. In the next few weeks there will be another club/team meeting to distribute our new team clothing. Part of the meeting will be dedicated to a celebration and slide show of our amazing trip to Turkey. See everyone back at the shop.


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